Witch's Lair Full Package Animated Stream Overlay
Very Suitable for You who love cute and unique channel designs to make your stream stand out!
🤍 4 Static & Animation Version Screens :
✅ Starting Soon
✅ Be Right Back
✅ Static Currently Offline
✅ Thanks for Watching
* 1920 x 1080 / 300DPI / 16:9
🤍3 Static & Animation Version Overlays :
✅ Chat & Webcam
✅ Only Chat
✅ Full Screen
✅ Screen & Alert
✅ Background
* 1920 x 1080 / 300DPI / 16:9
🤍 4 Stastatic & Animation Version Webcam & Static Chatbox :
✅ 16:9 Webcam Size
✅ 4:3 Webcam Size
✅ 16:9 Webcam Bar
✅ 4:3 Webcam Bar
✅ Long Chatbox
✅ Short Chatbox
🤍 1 Animation Stinger Transition
* 1920 x 1080 / 300DPI / 16:9
🤍 5 Static & Animation Version Alerts :
✅ New Follower
✅ New Subscriber
✅ New Donation
✅ New Cheer
✅ New Raid
* 750 x 250 / 300DPI
🤍 4 Stream Labels
✅ Follower
✅ Subscriber
✅ Donation
✅ Cheer
* 1200 x 225 / 300DPI
🤍 20 Version Panels :
✅ About Me
✅ Contact
✅ Discord
✅ Hardware
✅ PC Specs
✅ Rules
✅ Schedule
✅ Social Media
✅ Top Dono
✅ Website
✅ Facebook
✅ Giveaway
✅ Instagram
✅ Patreon
✅ Snapchat
✅ Sponsors
✅ Subscribe
✅ tip
✅ Twitter
✅ Youtube
* 320 x 100 / 300DPI
*For other panel requests, feel free to message me on Etsy if you need one!
We are open for custom orders based on your request until you are happy! You can send us your custom request.
🛑 All Design you get is only to be used for non-commercial 🛑
Thank you so much for checking out my listing!
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